75 Kata-Kata Selamat Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris, Penuh Makna - Ungkapkan Cinta dan Ketulusan


75 Kata-Kata Selamat Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris, Penuh Makna - Ungkapkan Cinta dan Ketulusan
Kata-kata Selamat Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris (credit: unsplash)

Kapanlagi.com - Tanggal 22 Desember di setiap tahunnya selalu menjadi hari yang istimewa bagi para wanita, terkhusus yang sudah jadi ibu. Pasalnya satu hari di bulan Desember itu diperingati sebagai Hari Ibu. Di hari istimewa itu, biasanya setiap anak berusaha menunjukkan cinta kasihnya pada sang ibunda lewat berbagai cara. Menulis kata-kata selamat Hari Ibu bahasa Inggris adalah salah satunya.

Lewat kata-kata selamat Hari Ibu bahasa Inggris, anak-anak bisa mengungkapkan betapa besar rasa cinta mereka pada sang ibunda. Meski terkesan sederhana, nyatanya kata-kata indah tersebut bisa menjadi kado yang spesial bagi para ibu. Sebab dari kata-kata itu, para ibu bisa merasa bahagia lantaran begitu dicintai buah hatinya.

Bagaimana, tertarik menulis kata-kata selamat hari Ibu bahasa Inggris? Jika iya, langsung saja simak beberapa contoh berikut yang bisa jadi inspirasi.

1. Kata-kata Selamat Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Meski hanya untaian kalimat singkat, kata-kata selamat Hari Ibu bahasa Inggris tetap bisa jadi kado yang istimewa bagi seorang ibu. Pasalnya, dalam kata-kata yang sedemikian singkat itu terselip rasa cinta seorang anak yang begitu tulus. Berikut kata-kata selamat Hari Ibu bahasa Inggris singkat:

"To the best mom ever. Happy Mother's Day, you rock!"

"Mom, you're amazing! Happy Mother's Day!"

"Cheers to all moms out there. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Wishing a fantastic Mother's Day to all moms!"

"Mom, you're awesome! Happy Mother's Day!"

"Sending love to every mom today. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Happy Mother's Day to the coolest mom around!"

"Mom, you're a superstar! Happy Mother's Day!"

"Celebrating all moms today. Happy Mother's Day!"

"For the world's greatest mom. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Warm wishes on Mother's Day to all amazing moms!"

"Mom, you're the best! Happy Mother's Day!"

"Wishing a wonderful Mother's Day to all moms!"

"To all the incredible moms. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Cheers to supermoms everywhere. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Happy Mother's Day, Mom. you're the greatest!"

"Sending hugs and love on Mother's Day!"

"Mom, you're a superhero! Happy Mother's Day!"

"For all the love and care. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Happy Mother's Day to the most fantastic mom!"

"Mom, you're simply awesome! Happy Mother's Day!"

"To the world's best mom. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Sending heartfelt wishes on Mother's Day!"

"For all your love and support. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Mom, you're a star! Happy Mother's Day!"

(Ayo ikuti saluran WhatsApp KapanLagi.com biar enggak ketinggalan update dan berita terbaru seputar dunia hiburan tanah air dan juga luar negeri. Klik di sini ya, Klovers!)

2. Kata-kata Selamat Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris Penuh Makna

Walaupun ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris, kata-kata ucapan selamat Hari Ibu berbahasa Inggris tetap punya makna mendalam. Kata-kata ini tetap bisa menggambarkan dalamnya rasa cinta seorang anak pada sang ibunda. Berikut contoh kata-kata selamat Hari Ibu bahasa Inggris penuh makna.

"To the epitome of love and grace, Happy Mother's Day, your strength and wisdom inspire us every day."

"In your embrace, we find comfort; in your guidance, we find direction. Happy Mother's Day to an incredible woman."

"For every sacrifice, for every tear shed, for every hug given. Happy Mother's Day, you are our guiding light."

"Mom, your love is a constant source of strength. Happy Mother's Day to our pillar of support."

"In your hands, we find warmth; in your heart, we find love. Happy Mother's Day, your kindness knows no bounds."

"Your patience, your love, your endless support. Happy Mother's Day, you're our true superhero."

"To the queen of our hearts, Happy Mother's Day, your grace and compassion know no limits."

"For the silent prayers, for the unspoken love, for everything you do. Happy Mother's Day, you're our rock."

"Mom, your resilience and love shine brightly. Happy Mother's Day to our source of unwavering strength."

"In every smile you bring, in every lesson you teach. Happy Mother's Day, your love is our compass."

"Through every storm, your love remains constant. Happy Mother's Day to our guiding star."

"Mom, your love is the foundation of our lives. Happy Mother's Day, your strength is our inspiration."

"To the embodiment of love and sacrifice, Happy Mother's Day – your dedication shapes our world."

"For the unwavering care, for the endless love, for being our everything – Happy Mother's Day."

"In your words of encouragement, in your embrace of love – Happy Mother's Day, you're our guiding force."

"Your sacrifices speak volumes; your love is boundless. Happy Mother's Day, you're our everyday hero."

"Mom, your love is our safe haven. Happy Mother's Day, you're our eternal source of comfort."

"For every lesson learned, for every joy shared. Happy Mother's Day, you're our greatest blessing."

"In your gentle touch, in your guiding words. Happy Mother's Day, your love shapes our world."

"To the woman who gives endlessly, Happy Mother's Day, your kindness knows no bounds."

"Mom, your love is our guiding star. Happy Mother's Day, your strength is our inspiration."

"For the endless love you give, for the care you provide. Happy Mother's Day, you're our shining light."

"In your embrace, we find solace; in your love, we find home. Happy Mother's Day, our guiding light."

"Mom, your love is the melody in our lives. Happy Mother's Day to our constant source of joy."

"For the love that knows no end, for the sacrifices made. Happy Mother's Day, your love fills our world."

3. Kata-kata Selamat Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris Menyentuh Hati

Kata-kata selamat Hari Ibu bisa jadi simbol apresiasi atas rasa cinta dan perhatian yang diberikan ibunda selama ini. Lebih dari kata-kata terima kasih biasa, kata-kata ini bakal jadi ucapan yang penuh kesan hingga membekas di hati. Berikut kata-kata selamat Hari Ibu bahasa Inggris yang menyentuh hati.

"To the guiding light in my life. Happy Mother's Day, your love is my strength."

"Mom, your love shapes my world. Happy Mother's Day!"

"For the endless love and sacrifices, Happy Mother's Day!"

"To the heart that holds our family together. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Mom, your love is a treasure. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Wishing my rock, my mom, a beautiful Mother's Day!"

"Thank you for being my anchor, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!"

"To the woman who fills our lives with love. Happy Mother's Day!"

"For the comfort of your love, Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"

"Your love is the melody of my life. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Mom, your love is my greatest blessing. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Warm hugs and love to my amazing mom on Mother's Day!"

"Your love guides my every step. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"

"For your unwavering love and support, Happy Mother's Day!"

"Mom, your love is the heart of our home. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Wishing the most caring mom a wonderful Mother's Day!"

"Your love is my strength and inspiration. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Mom, your love shapes my world. Happy Mother's Day!"

"For the love that never fades. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"

"Thank you for your endless love and sacrifices. Happy Mother's Day!"

"To the epitome of love and grace. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Mom, your love makes life beautiful. Happy Mother's Day!"

"For the love that knows no bounds. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"

"Wishing a heartwarming Mother's Day to my incredible mom!"

"Mom, your love is the foundation of my world. Happy Mother's Day!"

Itulah di antaranya beberapa contoh kata-kata selamat Hari Ibu bahasa Inggris yang sederhana tapi penuh makna. Semoga bermanfaat dan bisa jadi sumber inspirasi!


(Ayo ikuti saluran WhatsApp KapanLagi.com biar enggak ketinggalan update dan berita terbaru seputar dunia hiburan tanah air dan juga luar negeri. Klik di sini ya, Klovers!)
