Beberapa Fakta Tentang National University of Singapore (NUS), Kampusnya Sandy 'Clash of Champions'

Kalau rajin mengikuti acara Clash of Champions yang dipersembahkan Ruangguru, mungkin sering dengar nama National University of Singapore atau NUS. Beberapa peserta Clash of Champions seperti Sandy, Axel dan Kevin memang sedang menempuh pendidikan di sana.

National University of Singapore (NUS) adalah salah satu universitas terbaik di Asia dan dunia. Ini beberapa fakta uniknya!

Rabu, 10 Juli 2024 14:40

NUS terdiri dari 13 fakultas dan sekolah, termasuk: Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS), NUS Business School (Bizad), School of Computing (SoC), Faculty of Dentistry, School of Design & Environment (SDE), Faculty of Engineering (Engin), Faculty of Law
Yong Loo Lin, School of Medicine
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Faculty of Science, University Scholars Programme (USP), NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences & Engineering.

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